List of Treatments
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Abhyangam + Sweda
Body Massage + steam
Benefits :
Nourishes skin & bodyÂ
Retains natural body moisture
Relieves Pain
Improves & maintains proper blood circulation
Stimulates the Nervous System
Strengthens sensory organs
Facilitates relaxation
Keeps body-heat under check
Ekanga Abhyangam
Massage for one part of the body
Benefits :
Shiro Dhara
A special Mixture of Milk, Beautifying & Rejuvenating herbs
The Shirodhara (3rd eye /Ajna chakra) technique soothes and invigorates the senses & mind.
Benefits :
Stimulates the 3rd eye – Agnya Chakra (Crown Chakra) & awakens intuition and inner wisdom
Works on the cerebral system, relaxes nervous system
Note :
Akshi Tarpana
Eye Treatment
It is a process of application of the Sneha (Medicated Ghee) to the eyes & is carried out to improve the eyesight and protect the eyes from degeneration due to the aging process.
Benefits :
Reduces dark circles & dryness of the eyes
Helps with eye injuries & Squint
Fights blurring of vision
Treats Glaucoma
Beneficial in Cataract
Karna Poorana
Ear Treatment
It is a procedure that uses medicated ghee or oil poured into the ears thus treating ear diseases.
Benefits :
On regular basis helps prevent Deafness due to aging
Fights Neurological disorders
Helps with Ear Congestion, wax removal/excess wax
The whole body is bathed in streams of lukewarm medicated oil which stimulates the vital points of the body & also amplifies the effect of lubrication. It is followed by mild strokes to help in absorption. It protects the body from illnesses & builds immunity for a healthy life.
Benefits :
Treats: Neurological disorders, blood pressure
Nervous Weakness
Greeva Vasti
Neck Therapy
Process of bathing the neck region with medicated oil, which does oleation & sudation around the neck region simultaneously.
Benefits :
Relieves pain, stiffness in the nerves & muscles of neck and shoulders
Kati Vasti
Lower Back Therapy
This nourishes the lower back using medicated oils or ghee. The hot medicated oil helps relieve lower spine rigidity and strengthens the bone tissue.
Benefits :
Increases circulation in the region; nourishes & strengthens the muscles and nerves.
Janu Vasti
Knee Therapy
This is an effective treatment for those who are suffering from knee discomfort ,pain, Osteoarthritis & knee immobility.
Benefits :
Helps to relieve pain in the knee joints
Relieves Osteoarthritis of the knee joint
Anti-Obesity Therapy
It is a special therapeutic deep-tissue massage using herbal powders. This massage involves upward stroking, where the powder is rubbed forcibly on the body.
Benefits :
Reduces the excess fat accumulated in the subcutaneous tissues
Softens and exfoliates dead skin cells, thereby giving a lustrous glow to skin
Hair Treatment
Hair Growth Pack :
Anti-Dandruff Pack :
Shiro Lekhanam, Shiro Abhyangam, Shiro Lepanam & Shiro Basti *
Benefits :
It prevents Brittle hair, Split ends, Hair fall.
Results in Dandruff-free scalp.
Kshara Sutra
It is used to cure Ano-Rectal diseases like Piles, Fistula and Sinus with the most comfortable, non-surgical and convenient techniques. Kshara is defined as the material which destroys or cleans excessive/ morbid doshas.
Benefits :
Most important benefit of Kshara Sutra therapy over modern surgeries is that the muscles that supports the Anus and help in controlling the bowel movements are not dissected and hence the possibility of Anal Incontinence (loss of power to hold stools) does not exist.
It is a medicated therapy which removes Kapha toxins collected in the body and the respiratory tract.
Benefits :Â
Minimal bed rest is required after the procedure.
Reduces Obesity
Helps with Nasal Congestion
Reduces Skin disorders, Psoriasis
It is a medicated therapy which removes Pitta toxins that are accumulated in the liver and gallbladder.
Benefits : Helps to root out:
Medicated Enema
Medicated oil or ghee and a herbal decoction is given as enema to clean the accumulated toxins from all the 3 doshas and increase the muscle tone.
Benefits :
King in the management of all Vata Rogas
Helps in Stiffness, Contracted limbs, Fractures and Dislocations
Helps in curing almost all diseases
Nasal Medication
This involves administration of medicated oil through the nose, in order to cleanse accumulated Kapha toxins in the head and neck region.
Benefits :
Improves memory & eye sight, fights insomnia
Treats frozen shoulder, migraine, stiffness of the neck
Helps in Neurological dysfunctions, Sinusitis
Blood Purification
It is a procedure that is carried out for purification, cleansing of deep-seated blood toxins and is advised only in extremely rare conditions.
Benefits :Â Â
Chronic eczema, Gout
Herbal Beauty Parlor
Navarakizhi Facial : It is a procedure consisting of extraction, creams, lotions, facial masks, peels massage and skin glow packs.
Manicure : It is a beauty treatment for the finger nails and hands inclusive of filing, shaping of the free edges and clipping any dead tissues from the nail plate; also includes massage of the hand and applying nail polish.
Pedicure : Dead skin cells on the bottom of feet are rubbed off using a rough stone called a pumice stone. Additionally, moisturizing creams are applied and a brief leg massage is done.
Benefits : Navarakizhi Facial
Keeps skin youthful & prevents ageing
Benefits : Manicure & Pedicure
Beautifies your nails and hands look good, also very relaxing.
Prevents dry-cracked heels.
Kanti ++
Herbal Hair Dye
Kanti ++ : It is a chemical-free beauty enhancer which makes the hair silky, soft, shiny & strong. It is like a Natural Treasure for hair.Â
Benefits : Kanti++
It prevents/treats brittle hair, split ends
It prevents/treats rough & dry hair
Benefits : Herbal Hair Dye
You can now colour your hair without harsh chemicals.
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