7th Sarvajanika Dhanwantari Yaagam Registration Form
Swastha Bharat. Swachha Bharat
23rd October 2022
Time: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Tamil Nadu
About Us
Our Institution is established for the last 170 years in the field of Ayurveda & on this day of Dhante ras (considered as Dhanwantari Day), we have been conducting Dhanwantarihomam. It falls on the 13th day (Trayodashi ) of Karthika Month of Krishna Paksha every year.
Uniqueness of this Yaagam
Usually, the Sankalpam or the initiation is from the doer of the Homam. In this homam the people of the city come together from various backgrounds and participate for the health & well being of the society. So each and everyone becomes a doer thus making it a collective event.